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PRI Research and Investigative Services


     Paranormal Realm Investigators (PRI) is a non - profit team that offers a variety of services free of charge.  We also have connections outside of Paranormal Realm.  For those that are not PRI official team services, pricing can be discussed upon contact.

- Day Light -


     Paranormal Realm Investigators will normally send a few members of the team to meet with the client(s) and/or occupant(s) on location to go over paperwork, get a tour of the location and hear about everyone's experiences involving the case.  We record notes of all incedents, create a visual layout of the location marking off any "hot-spots".  We also may record photo, audio, and video footage during this section of the investigation to see what we can catch during the daylight hours.  Investigations ARE official team services and are done free of charge in all circumstances as PRI is a non-profit team.

- Lights Out -


     After visiting the location for the Day Light portion of the investigation (We may even conduct this portion of the investigation more than once), we will return for our Lights Out, Lock-Down overnight investigation where we will take photos, record videos and EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) sessions, and try to communicate with any entities that may be taking up residence in the location, while using no sources of lighting other than our IR (Infared) illuminators and handheld flashlights. Investigations ARE official team services and are done free of charge in all circumstances as PRI is a non-profit team.



     In every investigation, through all of the sessions and tests that are conducted, we collect a fair amount of evidence.  After the "Lights Out" portion of the investigation, we return back to PRI Headquarters to analyze all of the evidence and narrow it all down to what we find to be proof of our encounters with the entities involved in the case (We may do this between each part of the investigation depending on the case).  We analyze it with our euipment here and may even have specialists from outside of the PRI investigative team do so as well to obtain an outside opinion from those who specialize in analyzing specifics forms of data and evidence.


     There are also clients who may have collected there own evidence prior to the investigation.  Another service offered by the team is analysis of evidence that has been captured by the client himself or herself in the same ways that we would if the team had captured each peice during the investigation.  Evidence analysis services ARE official team services and are done by the team free of charge in all circumstances as PRI is a non-profit team.  



     Home/Location cleansings are not necessarily PRI services.  Although we do have team members who have learned how to cleans a location, a client can choose for us to bring in someone from out of the team. This service may have a charge/fee depending on the situation and the person performing the cleansing.

Psychic Readings 


     There are several gifted members of PRI.  Clients have the option to hire a member of the team or even one of the teams connections to come out for a psychic reading or a session, if they so choose.  Clients do NOT need to have an investigation done in order to request a cleansing, reading or session.  These services are NOT PRI official services.  Charges/fees may vary and can be discussed upon contact.

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Paranormal Realm Investigators 

Interested in
paranormal research
and investigating? 
Looking to have 
an investigation 
done at your 
home or workplace?
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